Dancing in the cantina sure does work up a appetite, dang!
So Rich sparked my interest in
Creationism. Maybe it was Mr Green's Earth Science class, or maybe it was the weekly beatings I recieved when I told my parent's I did not want to attend church, or have anything to do with God, but seriously.....I really think most people don't think. Check it...
*About 45% of Americans believe the "God created human beings pretty much in the present form at on time within the last 10,000 years or so."
*Another 37% believe that "Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process.
So I fall in the 14% that believe that human beings have developed without God's help. That's sad. Now I am in no way bashing anyone who has faith, or believes in whatever God they believe in. Life is crazy. You work your ass off, get some disease, and die. Most people need something to believe in to get them past the shocking reality of what we are as living, immortal beings. I respect that. But to charge $21.95 admission fee to get into the
Creation Museum... why thats just ghastly, and even faithful people might think this is as ridiculous as I do.
For that small price, you get answers to all your pondered questions.
You even get to ride a dinosaur like your ancestors did way back when!!! ...Ughhh wait....that can't be right!
So who is up for a road trip?
On a lighter note... I want to thank my followers! You rock! <3<3<3<3
My final project is taking up all my time, but I have been able to find some time to try some product photography. I need input please!
Im off too dream about kitties and octopi and Mr. Mallery. But then again can anyone get a good nights sleep knowing that Marital Rape is legal in India?