Friday, September 3, 2010

Carnival Rejects Shoot

I made it out to east long island to photograph Samantha Rose for the second time. This girl is so fraking creative. From her clothing (that she designs herself!), to all her accessories everything just flows so well.

We tried to shoot in a local abandoned house, but it supposedly was burned down recently, so we decided to break into a local Halloween Horror House. It was perfect! Here are some of the final images : )

Friday, August 27, 2010

Boat Yard Photography

So I have been driving past this boat yard for years to go down to the local smoke spot, and I finally got a perfect model to use it.

After getting permission to shoot on the rusty old fixtures, Gabrielle and I had quite a crowd of male workers watching and saying hi. There was even a bird doing the "sexy" whistle.

After a while one of the guys asked if we wanted to shoot on a tugboat... so after grabbing her bikini, Gab and I got rowed onto a tugboat named Courtney. I really wish I had a video camera. I couldn't stop laughing.

I must also comment on the awesomeness of Gabrielle and I hanging out afterwards. There was pizza, debauchery of a pound of yummy italian cookies, and floating around in my pool. I love my Gabrielle <3

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pencil Sketch to Digital art : )

I always find myself drooling over digital art and wishing I had the time to do some myself. This week, I forced myself to take the 5 hours and complete this. The original sketch that I did with pencil on paper is my version of Helledonna's Ugliest Pet. Next.. im working on a small comic strip based on my main character from World of Warcraft!!!

Pencil on paper scanned to my mac...

All lines recreated by hand with the pen tool in Illustrator....

Adding color with the live paint bucket tool in Illustrator.

Background color added in Photoshop.

Final image : ) Isn't he cute!! lol

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Some New Images!

I have been shooting models like crazy. Here are some from my shoot with Trish and Chinh : )

More can been seen on my Flickr.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So here are some of my favs from Iceland. What a beautiful place. I cannot wait to get back there and see more of it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Baron Misuraca

Before I flood my blog with images from Iceland and Amsterdam... here are some captures from my shoot with Baron Misuraca. If you haven't already heard of his comic you should, so check it out HERE. I have read alot of comics in my day, and this is one of the best quality comics I have ever owned. Thank you Baron for by far the coolest, and earliest Halloween presents ever : )

ps you can also check out his site HERE

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'd rather be in Iceland!

Still recovering from my trip, Iceland was amazingly jaw dropping, and Amsterdam, well besides being a garbage dump, it was super entertaining. I will be updating with images over the next few days.

Eyjafjallajökull, the erupting volcano in Icleand right now. Hearing her rumble, and seeing ash clouds just pouring out faster than I could see was about the most exciting thing I have ever experienced. Thank you to our driver Oley, without his crazy driving, this image would not have been captured.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Warmer Places

Since I am leaving for Iceland in 3 days, I figured I would post some stuff from my last "hot" vacation. I am gonna be bundled up like you'd never believe!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Abandoned Places

Rich and I found this house in Pennsylvania somewhere on a side road while we were trying to get to a Dairy Queen. Awesome find, but looked to unstable to go inside. This morgue was where I shot Kimberleigh G as seen HERE

Need to find more!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Abandoned Places

I have a love for abandonments.. maybe its the adrenaline, or maybe it's the feeling I get deep in my gut. Either way, I am glad to have documented these amazing places.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Old Photos

So I have been going through my old photos, and just getting the itch to share em with someone other than my Japanese fighting fish, Zaboo. Think I might upload one or 2 a day for awhile.

Please enjoy : )

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vintage Effect

I cant stop playing with these photos! Love this dramatic vintage effect.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Newest Photography

I am not religious but I do love religious art, and this is in no way meant to offend the highly offend-able. This is JUST art.
I originally meant this to be a tribute to the pope, who somehow gets away with everything, but it ended up becoming something I thought was very beautiful. Enjoy!

*This art was made with love by me, Bria Tigh and Rich Mallery, who are the 2 major ingredients of "Kissing Chaos".

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wrapped in Fur

Photos are by Kissing Chaos, which is me Bria Tigh, and Rich Mallery : )