So here goes my blogspot.
Should be filled with random rants and photo updates from my day to day life.
Watching this "snake photographer" grab a Cobra by the tail... and of course the inevitable happens... he gets tagged.
"For F**ks sack, Ive been bitten!"
Not only did you plant the snake there, but you think your fooling anyone. We know you have a truck full of antivenom ready for your stupid ass. Your not tuff.
I am completely addicted to Threadless.com Support awesome artists...buy a shirt. All your friends will be jealous.
Fun pic from studio to the right. Thats Barbara, and Will, and me : ) I love my classmates <3<3
Oh and by the way.. if I had 1.4 trillion times all the money in the world I could build a Death Star!!! This article is fantabulously awesome! I would need to upgrade it though. That price doesn't include my dream 4 floor cantina filled with Twil'ek dancers and all the spice you can smoke.
Seiradewa (Now you know how to say Cheers when your in Sri Lanka)